उवेस सुल्तान ख़ान 1984 में देश की प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी की हत्या के बाद सिख नरसंहार हुआ और उसके बाद हुए आम चुनावों में
Tag: Communalism
What is the meaning of Nationalism? (Jawaharlal Nehru)
Below is the portion of speech delivered by Jawaharlal Nehru at a public meeting in Bhopal on June 01, 1954. To Nehru, Nationalism was
Undesirability of mixing Religion and Politics | Faizan Mustafa
The Supreme Court of India recently prohibited politicians from using peoples’ religion or caste to garner votes. The verdict has been described as one
Hindu-Muslim Tension: Its Causes and Cure | Mahatma Gandhi
Young India, May 29, 1924 My claim to Hinduism has been rejected by some, because I believe and advocate non-violence in its extreme form.