While mourning the murders of two boys (may the departed souls rest in peace), I request you all to maintain peace in the University at any cost. Remember our Prophet (PBUH), who for every settlement preferred “words” over violence.
Remember, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his sacrifices, who was abused, insulted and even called a “Kafir”, when he thought to bring home you an institution like this.
Remember the priceless sacrifices of our previous generation whose donations have been instrumental in building this institution for us. Consider at least the present scenario of Muslims in India. AMU is a ray of hope for them.
Do you not know, how this institution has always been in the hit list of vultures who are adamant to push you back, from where Sir Syed brought you here. They’re adamant to snatch everything we have-our culture, education, minority status etc.
My dear colleagues, do you not know there are forces outside who wait (if not incite) for such incidents, wherein AMU’s image can be destroyed. Do you not know, we have always been made a political gimmick. Dear colleagues, this university belongs to our previous generation who did more than our imagination for this institution.
This university is neither the property of the VC, the Procter or Professors. This university belongs to us and our next generations. We will have to face not only Sir Syed but God as well. So I beg you to save AMU for Sir Syed, for that generation who sold their properties and dedicated their lives in building this institution. Save your nation by saving your university.
Save your future by developing peace with each other. And when self becomes too much with you, remember that old man with a long white beard who was ready to dance in girlish costumes for our education. Recall his last message:
Remember when I took this task, there was criticism all around against me. Abuses were hurled upon me. Life had become so difficult for me that I aged before my age. I lost my hair and eyesight…. I build this institution for you.
For his sake and for God’s sake, please do maintain peace at our campus, no matter what. If someone has done injustice to you please choose the way, our Prophet (PBUH) did (choosing peace over violence). Proceed, peacefully for all genuine and legal actions. I appeal you all not to create chaos in our campus.
Wish you & AMU peace and prosperity.
Best Regards.

Mujahid Mughal

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