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]]>“The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow, a woman shapes the destiny of civilization”. Talking about equality over a cup of coffee is no more a taboo. But its implementation is certainly opaque.
Our life and all of its associations, we’ll all agree, have a tendency to fall in a lull, pretty soon and pretty often. We’ll be productive a day, only for it to be followed by a week of idleness. We’ll have the most intellectually stimulating time for a while, only for it to be followed by a dwindle in all things intellectual the following days.
But the importance of spreading words to the world is always a concern. To spread such awareness and empower one another, Women’s College Students’ Union has taken an innovative and unprecedented step through organizing the Women Leadership Summit 2019.
Prior to this event, the fifth AMU Literary Festival highlighted the significance of Literature and Society; lectures by Nazia Erum (author), Sagarika Ghose (journalist) and many empowered women were conducive to look closely into the matter of women empowerment and we are here again with an amazing line-up of pertinent and refreshing discourse.
What women empowerment actually means is not deifying women, rather asking for equal rights and opportunities defying patriarchy. Women have so far been successful in raising their voice against gender inequality in the post-independence era, but there is still a long way to go till women no more seek validation from the male strata of society.
Equal political rights, economic rights, judicial strength are yet to be achieved completely. In this trying era that we’ve set foot in, we witness a dichotomy at play in regards to the status of women in this world; where one face of reality is the strewn bodies of women stripped off their consent and accord, violated to the core of their being-body and soul; beaten down to a pulp-physically, also their thoughts, their voices; grappling for an iota of confidence, and the flip side ushers us into a world of strong-headed women with their chin up and burning scaffolds of stereotypes to the ground and weakening the foundation of patriarchy in the society.
Women as social activists, presidents, artists, Olympians are a few to name, to believe in ourselves, spring into action and find our strengths, clamp the world in our “delicate” fists. It is likely to say that a woman does not become powerful and strong when she competes and defeats a man, it is anything but. She rises to power when she competes with her inhibitions, her shortcomings and strives to morph into a better and improved version of herself.
The summit will see women speakers from all over the country speaking on issues that matter and that need to be spoken of. The very first of its sort, boasting impressive palette of paramount and eminent female figures like Shyamolie Singh, Fatima Nafees, Teesta Setalvad, Vrinda Gover, Irena Akbar, Prof. Roop Rekha Verma and lastly Arundhati Roy.
This intriguing mix of unprecedented women leaders will grace the varsity from 26th till 28th of March. It will be an interaction with the empowered change makers of our society, getting a very close insight into their struggles, journey towards change and progress.
In this day and age of women, their stories would definitely strike a chord within all. This celebration of women power should not be missed for its unparalleled opportunity to be inspired, implored, to connect and engage with such exceptional leaders and open oneself to enlarge their worldview and percipience.
When we bring women together at events like these, women who are clearly advancing as leaders and women who have already achieved the desired shows that we are not alone. We get a chance to hear about the struggles of being a woman.
But to witness such a positive change where women are willing to communicate in order to help each other is definitely a lesson and motivation in itself. For the first in the history of AMU, Women’s college is here to paint a sky of limitless ambitions, requesting all to gather, get set and dream.
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]]>The post Children’s books are adding to science’s gender problem appeared first on Awaam India.
]]>Ask young children what they want to be when they grow up and the chances are that scientific jobs such as astronaut and doctor will appear high on the list. But ask them to draw a scientist and they are more than twice as likely to draw a man than a woman. Children can form these kinds of biases from many sources. But perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised to see such an absence of women scientists in children’s drawings when the illustrations we show them are often just as bad.
Our study of imagery in children’s science books reveals that women are significantly underrepresented. In the physical sciences in particular, the pictures frequently fail to communicate women’s technical skills or knowledge. The imagery in these books gives the impression that science is a subject for men, and that careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are unrewarding for women.
Developmental theories explain that children learn gender expectations to help them to respond appropriately within their social environment. This influences their understanding of who they are and encourages them to behave in a way that is conventional for their gender.
Pictures of men and women in children’s science books contribute to these expectations by teaching them “rules” about the occupations suited to each gender. This encourages them to conform to prevailing gender career stereotypes. To counter this, female role models need to be visible in books to help develop girls’ interest in science as they get older, and overcome negative perceptions of female scientists
Our research analysed the children’s science picture books in two public libraries in England. First we counted the frequency of images of men, women, boys and girls within the 160 available books. Then we did a detailed visual analysis of two scientific professions: astronauts and doctors. In this subset of 26 books, we examined what the male and female astronauts and doctors were doing, wearing and holding in the pictures.
We found that, overall, children’s science books pictured males three times more often than females, reinforcing the stereotype that science is a man’s pursuit. The under-representation of females only worsened as the target age of the book increased. The women were generally depicted as passive, lower status and unskilled – or their presence was not acknowledged at all.
For example, one children’s book about space exploration shows what’s involved in a spacewalk. Along with pictures of astronauts in their white padded spacesuits, we are told: “Without a spacesuit an astronaut’s blood would boil and his body would blow apart.” The use of male pronouns suggests the person inside the spacesuits is male.
There is no mention of the 11 courageous women who have performed spacewalks, including astronaut Sunita Williams whose image is used in the montage. As Williams’s face is covered by her helmet and the text only mentions men, it would be easy for children to think that women don’t do spacewalks.
On the pages of another book, we do see a female astronaut, pictured floating inside a space station and smiling at the camera. The qualifications and experience required to get astronauts to this point are extensive. Places on NASA’s Astronaut training programme are highly competitive with thousands of applications each year. But in the book, the woman’s training, expertise and knowledge are not mentioned.
Instead, the picture caption reads: “In zero G, every day is a bad hair day.” Comments like this that focus on women’s looks fail to take their contributions seriously. What’s more, research shows that emphasising appearance in science role models can reduce school girls’ self-rated ability or make scientific jobs seem unobtainable to them.
Our study also found important differences between subject disciplines. In physics books, 87% of images were of men or boys, and in the few pictures where female astronauts were pictured, they were never shown driving shuttles, doing experiments or spacewalking. Books about biology, in contrast, did have an even balance of images of men and women – and female doctors are shown carrying out the same activities and having the same status as male doctors.
You might think that imagery isn’t important, that the messages in pictures or illustrations are trivial. A multi-billion pound advertising industry disagrees with you. Advertising rarely provides detailed arguments for products or services but this doesn’t make its messages less powerful. Instead, adverts rely on persuasion through peripheral cues, such as by exemplifying appealing lifestyles and using imagery depicting the rewards of status or respect.
In the same way, children’s books advertise career choices, and their imagery communicates what it means for men and women to be associated with these occupations. Women need to be present in children’s science books to demonstrate that all science subjects are fulfilling for girls.
Research shows that, even before children go to school, they have the idea that men are better at male-dominated professions. Given that girls as young as eight are often put off maths and science by teachers and parents, it is perhaps no surprise that only 20% of A-level students taking physics are female. Interviews with successful female scientists have shown that girls do seek out role models in science, but are often unable to find them.
As such, it’s vital that imagery in children’s books is given greater consideration. Book editors and illustrators need to make significant efforts to represent women as qualified, skillful and technically able. They need to be pictured actively engaging in scientific activities and using appropriate tools or equipment, not merely present as assistants or observers. Women also need to be represented in greater numbers so that girls can see female role models in STEM professions and see these careers as potentially rewarding.
Parents, teachers and librarians – along with authors, illustrators and publishers – should review their books for gendered messages. Question what the images are teaching children and ask what career aspirations the books might be igniting or quashing.
Dr Susan Wilbraham, Senior Lecturer in Applied Psychology, University of Cumbria and Elizabeth Caldwell, Academic Skills Tutor, School of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Huddersfield
This article was originally published on The Conversation.
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]]>The post Will the Community allow Women to do everything that is required to Lead? appeared first on Awaam India.
]]>I want to share a thought that has been on my mind for a while. We’re grateful for all the love and support that we have received for our cause. We get numerous messages from people across the country saying how proud they are, how much they are inspired by us and how much they love and adore us. In particular, I get messages from a lot of women who say how much it inspires them to see someone just like them in active public life.
I also get messages from a lot of men saying that they would want their daughters and other women to be like me. At times, when we are visiting someone’s house, especially in smaller towns, the men will even go to the extent of telling their daughters that they must be like me, or even using me as an example to berate his wife for being concerned only with clothes or weddings, and “not taking up the cause of the community”.
Often enough, in these households, the women are performing all the traditional gender-assigned roles: bringing roti after roti while we eat or staying in the kitchen throughout the visit, while we relish the food made by them. I often have to step into the kitchen in order to talk to the women who are too shy or overawed to even talk to me, let alone talk to the gathering! Needless to say, this is more a feature of Muslim homes where the hospitality is amazing, but the gender-segregation is shocking.
Growing up in Kashmir, I wasn’t used to this, and I often thought that segregation is a myth. However, interacting with Muslim families across the country has convinced me that segregation is real and thriving. Now, these same families who look up to me as a leader would never want their own women in the role that I’m in. Or, in other cases, they would want them to be as “committed to the cause of the community“ as I am, but would never think of what it entails.
Leadership, for men, is a black box. A woman has to decide, at every step, what she should and shouldn’t do. Going to a riot-affected area for a 3-day visit? Going to a late-night TV show? Going to work? Taking a cab late night? Being the only woman on a political tour? Travelling alone across state and national boundaries? Should I? Shouldn’t I?
Since women leaders do not mostly talk about these things, women leadership is a mystery, a black box, some kind of rocket science to most. Now, it is clear that our community cannot progress until/unless women are equally empowered and allowed to develop and grow. Just like our country cannot progress without the development and growth of every section and every community. But the question is: will the community allow women to do everything that is required to lead?
It is difficult to lead. It is doubly difficult for women to lead, because we have to make calculations about clothes/stalkers/appearances/monthly period, etc. that men do not have to make. Women leaders need additional support from their families, they need additional freedom of mobility and freedom from traditional gender roles.
Now, gentlemen, while you admire women leaders who are already making a mark, please understand that you need to develop and empower women in your own family who are capable of leading. Not only are they NOT supported by their families, they even have to face social boycott if they decide to speak up – case in point being Ishrat Jahan who fought against the practice of triple talaq!
This advice is also for non-Muslim men who admire my leadership. Now, I have left behind a lucrative career because I have experienced oppression first-hand. Most of you would not let your daughters take up activism because – well, that is something that women from “good families” (elite or upper-caste Hindu families) do not do. Only jholawallahs like us should do that.
So, gentlemen, when I get messages of admiration from you, it feels great, but if you show up for a protest or a political meeting without your wife or daughter or sister, there’s slight condescension in your admiration.
In India, since Independence, the number of women Parliamentarians has never been more than 10-12% – this is not an accident. It is a result of these structural barriers to women’s participation in public life. Also, if women are not treated as equals in society, violence against women will thrive. So, don’t get surprised when women are raped, abused and harassed – it is a result of inequality in power and NOTHING ELSE.
I’m not going to paint you a rosy picture – activism is difficult and, unless you don’t sacrifice enough, you cannot be in leadership positions. Not only is the sacrifice involved personal, your family also makes a lot of sacrifices to accommodate your unusual lifestyle and needs. If you want more women to lead, share in the household work, share the burden of child-rearing, cook, clean and assist your partner, plan your family according to her goals.
If women are not urgently empowered and represented in positions of leadership, don’t expect your daughters and sisters to be safe from sexual violence or gender-based violence. The power imbalance between men and women is highly unnatural, skewed and perverted. In such an environment, we’ll always have oppression of women and sexual violence. Hope this makes sense. Peace out!
This is a facebook post that appeared on the timeline of Shehla Rashid.
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Arrest the killers of Gauri Lankesh
New Delhi, 5th Sept. 2017: ANHAD is deeply anguished at the assassination of Gauri Lankesh, noted journalist and intrepid activist. We condemn in the strongest terms possible this act of cowardice by her killers who wish to spread fear and suppress dissent. ANHAD will not let this shock dampen our intent to fight the forces that she took on.It is well-known that Gauri Lankesh had consistently opposed right-wing forces, despite the threats and court cases she had to face. As the editor of ‘Lankesh Patrike’, a Kannada weekly, she had continued to raise her voice against communalism and casteism.
As a leading voice against majoritarian and undemocratic politics and one that fearlessly stood for the freedom of expression in India, her passing away is a severe shock for those dedicated to a secular and just India. Her death is yet another reminder of how grim the situation is and the urgent need for peaceful resistance.
We demand immediate arrest of those behind the assassination.
In solidarity,
Amrita Nandy, Ovais Sultan Khan
ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy)
C5, Basement, Nizamuddin West, Delhi – 110013
Tel: 011-41670722
Email: [email protected]
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]]>रसोईघर में
सारा काम समेटती रहती थीं
और पिता की थपकियाँ
मुझे सुलाने की
नाकाम कोशिशें करती थीं
तब मेरी आँखों में नींद
नदारद नहीं होती थी माँ
लेकिन अपने पास तुम्हारे होने के
एहसास के बग़ैर
कैसे सो जाती मैं?
तुम्हारे उन गरम हाथों के
अपने माथे पर
स्पर्श के बग़ैर
कैसे सो जाती मैं?
बस तुम्हारे रसोईघर से कमरे में
आ जाने भर की देरी थी माँ।
तुम्हें कभी बताया तो नहीं मैंने
लेकिन आज सोचती हूँ
उन नींद भरी आँखों में
इंतज़ार की आस लिए जो
बचपन की तमाम रातें गुज़ारी मैंने
क्या वो मुझे तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी की थकन,
कमज़ोर हो गयी आँखें,
जोड़ों का दर्द,
दिन-रात खटते रहने पर भी
कभी न खतम होने वाले काम को भी
बेहद सलीके से
निपटा देने के हुनर को
समझ पाने की सलाहियत दे पायेंगी?
तुम्हारे ब्याह के बाद के जीवन के
भीतर तक भेद देने वाले
अध्यायों को पढ़कर भी
तुम्हारी तरह मुस्करा कर
सब दर गुज़र कर देने की
हिम्मत आ पायेगी मुझमें?
किस क़दर अँधेरे को ओढ़कर
ज़िम्मेदारियों का ताज पहन
अपने हिस्से से खुशियाँ बीनकर
कहीं और रख आयीं तुम।
अब एक ही सवाल रह गया है-
इस मायूसी और
दर्द में गुथी हुई ज़िन्दगी में
पैरों तले जन्नत लिए
कैसे फिरती हो माँ,
बताओ न।
उज़्मा सरवत ‘बीनिश’ अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्विद्यालय में मनोविज्ञान में स्नातक कर रही हैं. वह विश्विद्यालय के “यूनिवर्सिटी डिबेटिंग एंड लिटरेरी क्लब” की सदस्य हैं.
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]]>The post मैं नीर भरी दुख की बदली ! | महादेवी वर्मा appeared first on Awaam India.
स्पन्दन में चिर निस्पन्द बसा
क्रन्दन में आहत विश्व हँसा
नयनों में दीपक से जलते,
पलकों में निर्झारिणी मचली!
मेरा पग-पग संगीत भरा
श्वासों से स्वप्न-पराग झरा
नभ के नव रंग बुनते दुकूल
छाया में मलय-बयार पली।
मैं क्षितिज-भृकुटि पर घिर धूमिल
चिन्ता का भार बनी अविरल
रज-कण पर जल-कण हो बरसी,
नव जीवन-अंकुर बन निकली!
पथ को न मलिन करता आना
पथ-चिह्न न दे जाता जाना;
सुधि मेरे आगन की जग में
सुख की सिहरन हो अन्त खिली!
विस्तृत नभ का कोई कोना
मेरा न कभी अपना होना,
परिचय इतना, इतिहास यही-
उमड़ी कल थी, मिट आज चली!
26/03/2017 11:55
India Standard Time
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]]>The post March for ‘One Billion Rising Revolution’ at AMU appeared first on Awaam India.
]]>The One Billion Rising Revolution (OBR) was started in 2012 as a part of the V-Day Movement. The “Billion” in the name refers to the statistics given by the United Nations (UN), according to which one in three women are raped or beaten in their lifetime, or about one billion.
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Photo: Facebook |
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]]>सोचिये जिन्हें नागरिकों की सुरक्षा के लिए तैनात किया गया है, वे लोग ही नागरिकों के लिए खतरा बन जाएं तो क्या होगा? कल्पना कीजिए वह समाज कैसा होगा जहाँ रक्षक ही भक्षक बन गए हों?
छत्तीसगढ़ हमेशा से ही आंतरिक सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण राज्य रहा है। राज्य के नक्सल प्रभावित इलाकों से अक्सर अपराधिक घटनाओ की खबरें आती रहती हैं लेकिन इस बार खबर ऐसी है जिसकी निंदा शायद ही कोई भारतीय न करे।
2015 में छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर इलाके में कथित रूप से सोलह आदिवासी महिलाओं के साथ यौन शोषण की मार्मिक घटना किसे याद नहीं होगी? यह एक ऐसी घटना थी जिसने पुलिसकर्मियों को भी कटघरे में खड़ा कर दिया था। बीते शनिवार को राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC) की तरफ से बस्तर में हुए आदिवासी महिलाओं के यौन उत्पीड़न पर कई महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियां दी गईं।
आयोग ने स्पॉट इन्वेस्टिगेशन और न्यूज रिपोर्ट्स के आधार पर पुलिसकर्मियों की ओर से की गई ज्यादतियों की जानकारी मिलने पर जांच शुरू की थी। आयोग ने बताया है कि 2015 में छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर इलाके में पुलिसकर्मियों द्वारा कथित तौर पर सोलह आदिवासी महिलाओं का बलात्कार किया गया था। इसके अलावा कई आदिवासी महिलाओं का यौन उत्पीड़न भी हुआ। आरोप है कि पुलिसकर्मियों ने नवंबर 2015 में बीजापुर जिले के पेगदापल्ली, चिन्नागेलुर, पेद्दागेलुर, गुंडम और बर्गीचेरू गांवों में महिलाओं का यौन उत्पीड़न किया था।
यौन उत्पीनड़न से जुड़े मामलों में 34 महिलाओं ने आयोग से शिकायत की थी। आयोग ने अपनी जांच-पड़ताल के दौरान पाया कि सभी पीड़ित महिलाएं आदिवासी थीं, जबकि रिपोर्ट दर्ज करते वक्त पुलिस ने एससी-एसटी एक्ट का पालन नहीं किया। पुलिस ने आदिवासी परिवारों को मूलभूत सुविधाओं से भी दूर रखने की कोशिश की थी। इस संबंध में आयोग ने छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार को एक नोटिस जारी करके जवाब मांगा है कि आखिर सरकार की ओर से पीड़ितों के लिए 37 लाख रुपये का अंतरिम बजट क्यों नहीं पास किया जाना चाहिए? आयोग ने कहा कि उसे 34 महिलाओं की तरफ से शारीरिक शोषण जैसे रेप, यौन उत्पीड़न, शारीरिक उत्पीड़न की शिकायतें मिलीं और हर मामले में आरोप सुरक्षाकर्मियों पर लगाए गए हैं।
पुलिस और सुरक्षाकर्मियों का ऐसा अमानवीय व्यवहार हमारे समाज में कोई नयी बात नहीं है। 1991 में जम्मू-कश्मीर के कुनान और पोशपोरा की दिल दहला देने वाली घटनाओं को याद कर अभी भी रूह काँप जाती है जब सेना की एक टुकड़ी द्वारा गांवों की महिलाओं के साथ गैंगरेप किए गए थे और जिनमें सब से छोटी रेप पीड़िता की उम्र सिर्फ 14 साल थी।
इससे पहले भी अहमदाबाद के गांधीनगर सीआरपीएफ कैंप में एक नाबालिग लड़की से बलात्कार का मामला सामने आया था। जिसके बाद पुलिस ने एक सीआरपीएफ जवान को हिरासत में लिया था।
यह घटनाएं हर भारतीय को शर्मसार कर देने वाली हैं। सवाल यह उठता है कि आखिर क्यों वे लोग भक्षक का रूप धारण कर लेते हैं जिन्हें देश सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी सौंपता है। सुरक्षाकर्मियों और पुलिसकर्मियों का अपराधों में लिप्त होना और इस स्तर तक गिर जाना, हमारी आंतरिक सुरक्षा के लिए अच्छा संकेत नहीं है। सरकारों को ऐसे नियम भी पारित करने होंगे जिससे पुलिस की स्वतंत्रता सीमा तय हो सके अन्यथा हम अपने ही रक्षकों के शिकार बनते रहेंगे।
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]]>The post Revisiting Prophet Muhammad’s Quest for Empowered Women | Naved Ashrafi appeared first on Awaam India.
]]>James Garrison in October last of this year wrote Muhammad was A Feminist, a bold piece on HuffPost. Comparing various founders of world religions, Garrison puts, ‘Muhammad was easily the most radical and empowering in his treatment of women. Arguably he was history’s first feminist’.
Feminism, every now and then, has wrongly been understood even by literate people in the society as a quest towards misbalance of society that empowering the women would bring ! This is the case more with Muslim community in Indian subcontinent. But Garrison talks on Muhammad’s feminism by taking in to consideration Muhammad’s approach of ‘radical equality of men and women’.
The Quran is blindingly categorical on this radical equality when it says, ‘We created you in pairs’ (Quran 78:08). There is a ‘clause of complementariness’ between two ‘non-identical’ individuals of a pair. Being non-identical must not be taken as unequal as done by many who adhere to patriarchal notions. As far as biological differences of male and female are concerned, they must be considered as differential privileges bestowed by nature upon one gender over the other just for one biological purpose i.e. to sustain life on earth in perpetuity. All cells arise from pre-existing cells—this is what we all learnt in Cell Theory of Schleiden and Schwaan. But how do things get perversely translated in the society –is both non-scientific and un-Islamic.
There always exists a Pandora’s box on internet when anything is under discussion and debate with respect to Islam and its tenets. When such debates touch women, there situation turns in to graver hodge-podge. For, those who discuss or debate are equally deficient and incompetent in knowledge of Modern Feminism and Classical Islam.
Putting all those trivialities aside, I wish to concentrate here how Muhammad was docile, harmonic, compassionate to every woman in society in whatever decent relation or gesture she came to him.
On Education of Women and their initiative towards Education
Women who were being buried alive in their infant-hood before Muhammad’s arrival in ignorant Arab, were brought on platform of education and learning by him. In times of Muhammad, he himself used to teach his companions, both male and female, on various discourses. There would be lessons on theology, law, administration, governance, medicine, rights, duties, social dynamics etc. When women would get lesser time with their teacher, Muhammad, they decided to convey it to the Prophet. A women said to the Prophet, ‘the men have greater access and more time with you than we have! Appoint a day for us with you exclusively’. So Prophet promised to meet them at an appointed time in which he would exhort them and command them in their learning. [Bukhari, As-Sahih; Chapter: Are Women to be Given Specific Day for Lessons; Narration: 101]
Today, girls are devoid of their rights of ‘basic’ education and they are not allowed to make even a tiny request for their education. Thanks to ignorance and patriarchy of minds! How Muslims are doing in modern world !
Responsibilities towards Family and Kinship
In modern socio-political discourses, family is considered as the basic unit of human organization which culminates in to State. Our quotidian affairs revolves around our families. What do Muhammad have to tell people in general and his followers in particular regarding family relations !
Al-Aswad, one of the companions of Muhammad asked Aisha, the wife of Muhammad, ‘What would Prophet do at his home?’ She replied, ‘He would be in the service of his family, and when the time for prayer began, he would go out to attend the prayer” [Bukhari, As-Sahih; Chapter: Service of a Man towards his Family- Narration: 5048 | Chapter: On how a Man should treat his Family- Narration: 5692]
In another narration Aisha said that Muhammad said, ‘The best of you is who is best towards his family’. [Ibn Majah, Al-Sunan; Chapter: On Living Kindly with Women; Narration: 1977 | Tirmidhi, Al-Sunan; Book of the Exemplary Qualities; Narration: 3895 ]
Today, one may find people even on the highest of the highest posts in India but how do they discharge their responsibilities towards their families, especially wives, is quite discouraging!
On Careful Upbringing of Daughters
Indian families are son-seekers and son-wishers because of their so called notion of waris (heir). There exists a great deal of repugnancy towards a female child, her upbringing, education, nutrition etc. This is contrary to what Muhammad said and wished.
The Prophet said, ‘whoever cares for two young girls until they both reach the age of maturity, I will arrive on the Day of Resurrection with him like this.’ And then the Prophet joined his fingers together. [Muslim, As-Sahih; The Virtues of Kindness towards Daughters; Narration: 2631 | Tirmidhi, Al-Sunan; Concerning expenditures on Daughters and Sisters; Narration: 1914]
Two here in ‘two young girls’ indicated multitude of girl child in a family who must be earnestly taken care of by parents. And ‘care’ here means all dimensions including child’s first breast feeding after her birth, education, health, nutrition, equal opportunities to progress etc.
Being Dutiful and Affable To Wife
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, had a Persian neighbor who would make a tasty broth, and so he once made for Allah’s messenger and called him over to invite him.
Allah’s Messenger asked him, ‘Is this batch for Aisha?’ The man said, ‘no’. Allah’s Messenger then said, ‘No, thank you’.
Then man invited Him once more and He asked him, ‘Is this batch for Aisha?’ The man said, ‘no’. Allah’s Messenger then said, ‘No, thank you’.
The man invited Him once more and He asked him, ‘Is this batch for Aisha?’ Finally the man replied, ‘Yes !’. Then Allah’s Messenger and Aisha walked together until they arrived at man’s house [to partake of the broth] [Muslim, As-Sahih; Narration: 2037 | Hanbal, Al-Musnad; Narration: 12265]
Thus, we find that Muhammad would not accept a neighbour’s broth invite until he is not willing to invite Muhammad’s wife Aisha with Muhammad. This is how Muhammad cared about his marital relations.
Once Muawiyah bin Hayda asked Muhammad, ‘O Messenger of Allah ! what rights do our wives have over us? He replied, ‘that you feed her when you eat, clothe her when you clothe yourself and you should not strike in the face, should not use odious words for her and should not avoid your wife. [Abu Dawood, As-Sunan; Chapter: On Woman’s Right Over Her Husband; Narration: 2142]
Unfortunately, in most of Muslim families those things are common which Muhammad wanted Muawiyah bin Hayda to refrain from !
Muhammad said to his companion Saad bin Abi Waqqas, ‘Never shall you spend anything, seeking thereby the pleasure of Allah, save that you will be rewarded for it—even that food which you put into your wife’s mouth’. [Bukhari, As Sahih; Chapter: On Actions and Intentions; Narration: 56 | Muslim, As-Sahih; Chapter: The Bequests; Narration: 1628]
Duties towards Mother
It was narrated by Abu Hurayra, the Prophet’s companion that a man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah ! Who among the people has the most right to my kind treatment?
He replied, ‘your mother’.
Then the man said, ‘then who? He replied, ‘your mother’.
Then the man said, ‘then who? He replied, ‘your mother’.
Then the man said, ‘then who? He then responded, ‘your father’.
[Bukari, As-Sahih; Chapter: Who among the People have Most Right to Kind Treatment; Narration: 5626 | Muslim, As-Sahih; On Kindness towards One’s Parents who are Most Deserving of it; Narration: 2548]
Though a person is duty-bound towards his both parents but their duties are manifold towards Mother. One should rule out the weird reasons why old age homes should exist on earth !
Duties towards other Women in Society
If some slave-woman from the slave women of Medina wanted, she would take Allah’s Messenger by his hand and take him wherever she wished to go pertaining to resolve any matter. [Bukhari, As-Sahih; Chapter: On Pride; Narration: 5724]
Once a women came to Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I have a need for you to fulfil’. He said, O mother of so-and-so! consider which route you wish so I can fulfil your need’. He went with her on one of the footpaths until she had her need fulfilled. [Muslim, As-Sahih; Chapter: Prophet’s closness with the People; Narration: 2326]
About Muhammad, Khwaja Altaf Husain Hali rightly said in his Musaddas:
Muraden Gharibon ki bar lanay wala
Museebat mein ghairon kay kaam aanay wala
Woh apnay paraye ka gham khanay wala
Muhammad’s radical feminism was unprecedented and sublime. Concept of equality in modern world actually arose from French revolution. Since centuries women in both the East and the West were frowned upon and were taken as curse on humanity.
Knowing this reality very much, I am not astonished with the fact that for thousands of years classical texts of Islam were guiding humanity by traditions of Muhammad with glorious titles of chapters like: On Living Kindly with Women, Concerning expenditures on Daughters and Sisters , On Woman’s Right Over Her Husband, Are Women to be Given Specific Day for Lessons, Service of a Man towards his Family, On how a Man should treat his Family, On Kindness towards One’s Parents who are Most Deserving of it, Prophet’s closness with the People etc.
I am not astonished, I am rather shocked, that Muslims despite having strong foundation of what constitutes a beautiful society are still living in that dark and ignorant zone in which both East and West remained drowned for ages !
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]]>The post [AMU] ‘The rules will be revised’, says Provost of Girls’ Hostel appeared first on Awaam India.
]]>Snowy Rahi | December 02, 2016
Youth Ki Awaaz organized its flagship event Converge on November 12, 2016. Converge provided a platform and invited speakers from different strata of society, making the discussions and events ranging from socio-political issues to those related to art.
During this event there was a speech delivered by Sabika Abbas Naqvi who is a prominent member of Pinjra Tod: Break the Hostel Locks . Her speech was about how females face misogyny due to the bondage of a patriarchal mindset of people.
Throughout her speech she mentioned different rules that allegedly portray sexism which are wide spread throughout the universities of India. While her allegations regarding the hostel timings, the sexist outlook and the inequality of gender were true and displayed the essence and depth with which her organization is working towards breaking the hostel locks. She spoke a sentence regarding the restrictions that the girls at Aligarh Muslim University allegedly have to face and that does not hold ground in reality.
The rules and regulation of AMU need revision. Some of the rules like only the Sunday outings, the restrictions put on a girl on what to wear inside her hostel and the discrimination between the privileges that are given to the boys but not the girls. Sabika Abbas Naqvi was right when she talked about these rules existing in the University.
The former allegation is not a rule that is written down but sadly it is true that a girl is advised to wear an Indian wear keeping in regard the culture of the university but there is no such rule which debars a girl from wearing the Western outfit.
She pointed out a few of the rules from the sixteen mentioned rules for girls. She talked about the rule in which a girl is not allowed to wear anything but “Indian”, she pointed out how there is a rule in which the girls are prohibited to go to restaurants. The former allegation is not a rule that is written down but sadly it is true that a girl is advised to wear an Indian wear keeping in regard the culture of the university but there is no such rule which debars a girl from wearing the Western outfit.
Coming down to the second rule that she pointed out how the girls are restricted from visiting restaurants, market places and the like, did exist but is no longer practiced. It is due to the carelessness of the students as well as the authorities that the rules no longer implemented were not modified on paper as well.
Her speech, various posts on social media and through other medium the residents of the University learned that a rule which is no longer being implemented on them is still being talked about rather than the issues that are still present and need attention.
“These rules are present is true but no one follows them is also true.” says Aisha Zafar studying at AMU.
This generated frenzy among the female residents of the University. “The havoc would not have been created if someone would have talked about these rules and asked them to be revised. But it is never too late to take an initiative,” said Sharjeel Usmani, a student of Political Science at AMU.
On talking to the Provost of Abdullah Hall about the issue and on asking her that since the rules are not implemented but are stated and creating much misunderstanding and giving a negative impression about the university, Prof. Roomana N. Siddiqui said “We will look into the matter. The rules will be revised.”
03/12/2016 20:13
India Standard Time
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